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- Tags: Inns and hotels
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Aerial view, North Pleasant Street in Amherst, west side
Aerial view of the west side of North Pleasant Street south to Amity Street. The building which was the Elm Tree Inn, and which housed the Amherst Tavern, was the first house at the center of the photograph. The top of the Amherst House is visible in…
Aggie Inn and post office
Automobile parked outside the building which was an inn and post office for Massachusetts Agricultural College. It was later known as College Inn.
Tags: 1920s, Inns and hotels, Post office, UMASS
American House block in Amherst
This structure was built on the site where Noah Webster's house was located during the time he spent in Amherst writing his dictionary (1812-1822). It was built as the Hygeian Hotel. This statement was printed in the Springfield Republican edition of…
Amherst center
Turn of the century view of the center of Amherst looking west toward the Amherst House from the north end of the Town Common.
Amherst House hotel
View of the Amherst House which was located on the corner of Amity and South Pleasant Streets. This is the second incarnation of the hotel and is shown here with people posing in front and the stagecoach parked on the side of the building. D. H.…
Amherst House hotel and business block
View looking west on Main Street and showing a section of Merchants' Row and the second incarnation of the Amherst House. Businesses shown in the Amherst House block include E. R. Clark, Deuel's Drug Store, a clothes shop, and Amherst E-O Store.…
Amherst House hotel and business block
View looking west on Main Street and showing a section of Merchants' Row and the second incarnation of the Amherst House. Businesses visible in the Amherst House block include Harry H. Clark, Deuel's Drug Store, and Campion & Fish.
The first…
The first…
Amherst House hotel and business block
This large hotel once stood on the corner of South Pleasant and Amity Streets and is shown here with both horse carts and automobiles parked in front.
Amherst House on South Pleasant Street
View of the first incarnation of the Amherst House. It was previously known as the Boltwood Tavern. The establishment was sold in 1838 and the name was changed to the Amherst House. It provided lodging for travelers coming by stage from Northampton,…
Amherst House on South Pleasant Street
View of the first incarnation of the Amherst House. It was previously known as the Boltwood Tavern. The establishment was sold in 1838 and the name was changed to the Amherst House. It provided lodging for travelers coming by stage from Northampton,…
Amherst House on South Pleasant Street
View of the first incarnation of the Amherst House. It was previously known as the Boltwood Tavern. The establishment was sold in 1838 and the building was enlarged and the name changed to the Amherst House. There were community dinners held in the…
Amherst House on South Pleasant Street
View of the second incarnation of the Amherst House before the sign was installed and with a view of Merchants' Row, Paige's Livery and the Amity Street School.
Amherst House on South Pleasant Street
View of the second incarnation of the Amherst House, a large hotel and business block. The first Amherst House was destroyed by fire on July 4, 1879.
Amherst House on South Pleasant Street
View of the second incarnation of the Amherst House, a large hotel and business block. The first Amherst House was destroyed by fire on July 4, 1879. Horses and carriages are parked on the street. Businesses visible are O. G. Couch, Deuel, and…
Amherst House on South Pleasant Street
View of the second incarnation of the Amherst House, a large hotel and business block. The first Amherst House was destroyed by fire on July 4, 1879. Horses and carriages are parked on the street and people are loitering near the building.