The small double-sided card advertises J. L. Lovell’s Amherst Picture Gallery, and offers $2.00 off photographic processes and prints. These cards would have encouraged residents of Amherst to have their photo taken by Lovell in his downtown…
Trade card distributed by the Amherst pharmacy W. H. H. Morgan around the turn of the century. The illustration is an image of a group of young women being instructed in home economics. On the back is printed the price, the list of colors, and other…
Advertising card for the business of F. H. Howe, a grocer located in Merchants' Row in Amherst in the 1880s. The cartoon on the card shows a drunk monkey and illustrates Victorian humor.
Trade card distributed by H. B. Edwards & Co., an Amherstclothing store that operated in Merchants' Row from the 1880's to about 1915. The store specialized in ladies' fine underwear. The advertisement is for Warner Brothers Coraline Corsets,…
This trade card advertises the optical business which was run by Edgar R. Bennett from sometime in the 1880s through 1903. Bennett was a watchmaker, jeweler, optician, and bicycle agent. His shop was in Merchants' Row on South Pleasant Street.
Trade card for the Amherst Roller Rink, a roller-skating establishment which was located in Palmer Hall (today the site of Amherst Town Hall) in the 1880s.
Trade card advertising the Amherst business of J. M. Waite & Son, a hatter and outfitter for gentlemen, whose establishment was located in Cook's Block, Phoenix Row, in the late 1880s.
Trade card advertising the Amherst business of F. H. Howes, a grocer located in Merchants' Row in the 1880s. The cartoon on the card illustrates Victorian humor.