Firefighters aim a powerful jet of water at this burning restaurant across from the Town Common. More than 40 Amherst and UMass firefighters fought the blaze for hours in near zero weather before it was brought under control.
Charles R. Green stands on the front steps of the Jones Library shaking hands with another man. Beside him is the chalkboard advertising one of his Sunday at 5:00 programs.
View at the ceremony for the laying of the cornerstone for the Jones Library. Pictured from left to right: Tony (Michael Angelo), who was in charge of stone work; Allen H. Cox, Architect; Casper Ranger Construction Company man; Mr. Moriarty,…
Sue Hugus, a Jones Library employee, at the Adult Circulation Desk. Information on reverse reads, "Amherst Record, Sept. 14, p. 7", "Sue Hugus - Jones Library employee at Adult Circulation Desk", " Article: "Check it out………the Jones Library"